Monday, September 26, 2005


I... I... I don't know what to say. If you haven't become obsessed with the TV show Lost, then get off my blog.

Season 2 hasn't arrived Down Under yet, but I NEED to be able to talk about it with Li Li, so Mase d'loaded it. We watched it last night; I had to hold Mason's hand during a couple of especially heart-thumping scenes!

I feel we can best express our feelings for Lost through tanka, the little-known big brother of haiku. Anyone care to join me in a tanka-off??! Declare your love for Lost through tanka HERE... Haha, fooled you, there's no link. Just leave it as a comment.

to my loyal commenter(s?!)

I've just turned on 'word verification' for commenting. For most of you this won't be a problem, but to my most loyal commenter, "Anonymous", I fear the technical challenge may unravel the poorly knitted seams of your computer-skills jumper.

Yes, that means YOU, woman!!

same old

Mostly it's just same old same old at the moment, with the exception of a couple of New Things...

At an engineering company that services the mining industry! I'll be a Graduate Structural Engineer! Starting date yet to be confirmed but most likely early October!

Complete with authentic Japanese phone-bling! I have internet access and built-in mp3 player! Yar!

A couple of New Things totally worthy of excessive '!'s.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

mountain retreat

Last Sunday Mase and I went for a drive up to Mount Mee. It's so beautiful up there! I would love to have land there. We went to a restaurant my mum likes, called Munchkins on Mount Mee Road. They were so packed but were kind enough to let us in without a reservation. Sweeties. It's such a beautiful restaurant in beautiful surroundings, and the food was FCKING FANTASTIC!! We love love heart heart Munchkins.

We went for a bit of a drive after and just couldn't get over how adorable it all was. I wanted to hug the paddocks, and Mason liked cruising on the windy mountain roads. We pulled over to enjoy the mountain views and there were these long stalks with fluffy, cottony, feather-shaped tops. They stuck to Mason's stubble and made him look like...


Bush tucker woman. Posted by Picasa

It's Santy Claus! Posted by Picasa

A wall with a view. Posted by Picasa

Adorable primary school next to Munchkins. I love the tree! Posted by Picasa

Moooooooooo! Posted by Picasa

Quaint little church opposite Munchkins. Posted by Picasa