Wednesday, August 31, 2005

job-hunt: let the games begin

I'm really easing myself into the job-hunt. I'm being picky and have only applied for 3 jobs. One of them has a great (sounding) program for graduate engineers. Even though I graduated in 2002, I guess I am effectively still a graduate since all my post-graduate work has been as an ENGLISH TEACHER, an ASSISTANT at that!

I'm very relaxed about the whole thing, because there are so many jobs for engineers right now, and there are people to look after me until I get work. I realise how fortunate I am to be in that situation...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

analyse this!

I don't remember ever having a recurring dream, but I've certainly had dreams with recurring themes. This morning I had another one from my "back to school" series. I probably have about one of these a month. Each time, I'm back at school and I have an assignment due the next day and golly gosh I haven't started it yet! Or I have a test that day and eek gads I haven't studied for it! Then it's just panic city. Strangely enough, these dreams always take me back to high school rather than university where I was actually more likely to be in this situation ;)

This morning it was an art assignment due the next day, which I had totally forgotten about until I overheard two other students (one of them Sam Denaro - hey girl!) talking about it. We had to paint a picture then write an essay about it. I'd only done some preliminary sketches. I was freaking out about what to do - should I just go to the art room and start painting/what about all the other stuff I had to do/I'm screwed! Then I woke up.

Then I fell asleep again and had another dream. To cut a long dream short - I got accused of cheating on a maths assignment, protested my innocence, found no sympathy, walked out of the classroom and picked up a chair covered in shit and flung it into the classroom. Then the great chase began. Ooooh how I hate to be chased. All of a sudden my younger sister was there too (in reality I'm the youngest of 4) and we turned on our invisibility shields. But the chasers could still see our shadows, so I told little sis' to run in the shade while I stayed there and tried to beat down a chaser.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

we're baaaack!

I've finished blogging our 9 day road trip. I need to say ~

i "heart" new south wales

There were so many beautiful little beaches along the coast to Sydney. And Sydney itself kicked butt. I don't know what it was - of course the shopping was great! But there was just so much variety in, places, PEOPLE! I could definitely live there.

day 1 - brisbane to nambucca heads

The Big Banana was a Big disappointment. The place is Bursting with potential But fails to Bring it. When I grow up and get rich I'm going to Buy the Big Banana and do Big things with it.

This Blog was Brought to you By the letter B.

Watch me pull a frozen banana out of my ear!

Frozen bananas in chocolate pyjamas at the Big Banana. Posted by Picasa

day 2 - nambucca heads to forster

Mason terrifies the locals (he just wants a hug!). Posted by Picasa

Shell hunting in Nambucca Heads.

Being but amatuer hunters we resorted to taking photos of someone's else loot... These were found by some friendly local kids who were happy to show off their red bucket of success! Posted by Picasa

Showoffs! Posted by Picasa

Masters at work.

You need to get wet to find the good stuff, but we weren't really dressed for it. The kids were really nice though, and gave us some of their shells! Posted by Picasa

day 3 - forster to sydney

Jumping for joy at Elizabeth Beach, Pacific Palms. Posted by Picasa

The path to Shelly Beach... Posted by Picasa

... This beach belongs to ME! Posted by Picasa

day 4 - sydney

We were too busy shopping to take any pics!

day 5 - sydney

Bondi Beach Posted by Picasa

Sydney Harbour Bridge Posted by Picasa

Opera House 1 Posted by Picasa

Opera House 2 Posted by Picasa

Opera House 4 Posted by Picasa

Opera House 3 Posted by Picasa

Focusing on Mason - I'm trying to pass this poorly taken shot as 'artistic'! Actually I quite like the blurry background. Makes it look like the Opera House revolves around Mase! Posted by Picasa

Darkness - if it wasn't for my pink coat you probably wouldn't see me in this pic. Posted by Picasa

Yowzer! Posted by Picasa

Ohmygod! Posted by Picasa

Leap frog

Although it looks like I'm just sitting on this pylon, it actually took all my athletic finesse and timing to bring you this photo.

;)Posted by Picasa

Mase mounts the Opera House while a demented moon looks on. Posted by Picasa

Anna & Mase didgeri-DO the Opera House. Posted by Picasa

Mase hangs his head in disgust.

Sydney, Sydney, Sydney... how could you. A warning to anyone visiting Sydney - DO NOT DINE AT SYDNEY TOWER'S REVOLVING RESTAURANT!! It's surely no coincidence that it's one letter away from being revolting. It is a huge piece of crap. Mase and I were so SO so disappointed.

The atmosphere is that of a revolving school cafeteria, complete with pissed off staff (they probably hate the place more than we do) who grunt and shovel slop onto your plate at the buffet. There were about 3 things I could stomach from their sweaty kitchen. These 3 things did NOT include roast CAMEL (one hump or two?) and stale pasta salads which probably came from a big VAT. Shudder. Posted by Picasa

day 6 - sydney to port stephens

We were still recovering from last night's little revolving house of horrors. No pics for day six!

day 7 - port stephens to port macquarie

Mase does his best boy-band impersonation... Posted by Picasa make you feel like you're the most specialest girl in the parking lot!

We later found out we'd parked at a centre for people with social & developmental disabilities. I didn't feel so special then. Posted by Picasa

Along the mountain path.

We took the path less-trodden up the mountainside to the lookout at Tomaree Head, Port Stephens. Posted by Picasa