Wednesday, August 24, 2005

analyse this!

I don't remember ever having a recurring dream, but I've certainly had dreams with recurring themes. This morning I had another one from my "back to school" series. I probably have about one of these a month. Each time, I'm back at school and I have an assignment due the next day and golly gosh I haven't started it yet! Or I have a test that day and eek gads I haven't studied for it! Then it's just panic city. Strangely enough, these dreams always take me back to high school rather than university where I was actually more likely to be in this situation ;)

This morning it was an art assignment due the next day, which I had totally forgotten about until I overheard two other students (one of them Sam Denaro - hey girl!) talking about it. We had to paint a picture then write an essay about it. I'd only done some preliminary sketches. I was freaking out about what to do - should I just go to the art room and start painting/what about all the other stuff I had to do/I'm screwed! Then I woke up.

Then I fell asleep again and had another dream. To cut a long dream short - I got accused of cheating on a maths assignment, protested my innocence, found no sympathy, walked out of the classroom and picked up a chair covered in shit and flung it into the classroom. Then the great chase began. Ooooh how I hate to be chased. All of a sudden my younger sister was there too (in reality I'm the youngest of 4) and we turned on our invisibility shields. But the chasers could still see our shadows, so I told little sis' to run in the shade while I stayed there and tried to beat down a chaser.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you always were alittle strange....

6:16 pm  

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