good-for-something ALT
Every day for about 10 minutes after the last class we all clean the whole school. I help out in the staff room with a couple of teachers and about 10 students. The students don't actually do any cleaning - they just talk, look at stuff on teachers' desks, swing their brooms back and forth without actually touching the ground, and so on. But since I really don't do anything useful the other 8 hours 50 minutes of the day, I make a point of putting my back into it for those 10 minutes. I don't just sweep around chairs, desks, boxes & bags. I pull them out, lift them up... I don't just sweep up the dust I can see. I go searching...
Since I'm the only person putting a dent in the dust in the staff room, I wonder how many teachers will notice that the increase in dust under their chairs coincides with my absence.
that's my girl!!
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